General Classical Studies:
Wesleyan Classical Studies Department Home Page
Related Resources for Classical Studies (Wesleyan Page)
Perseus Project Home Page Great online material on Greek stuff: texts in G. & E., pics of vases etc., historical and mythological background. Roman stuff (next) just getting started
Roman Perseus Roman part of Perseus project is in early stages but has texts and translations of major authors.
Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World (lots of info: links, pics, bibliog., some texts)
Ovid: Metamorphoses (great set of links on a page at Reed College)
Diotima Anthology of Translated Materials
Tech Classics Archive (Eng trans)
The Romulus Project: An Electronic Library of Latin Literature With Virtual Commentary
Fiction.html (about antiq.) (Nothing to do with this course, directly, but it's fun to know about the many good historical novels and mysteries (esp. Davis & Saylor) being written about the ancient world)
CLASSICS List (an internet discussion list; often annoying but sometimes useful & fun)

Other sites for Classics Resources in general:
Bibliography: see also Diotima and other sites

Epic Bookmarks

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets
Epic Web Pages (good stuff for a course on Latin epic at Oxford)
cl420.html (good stuff at a Roman epic course at Middlebury C.)
Welcome to Masterpieces of Roman Literature. (course at Middlebury C.)
CCIV325Epic.html (that's us)
Epicsyl.html (Syllabus for a course on Greek & Roman Epic at Temple U.)

Greek Background: Homer, Apollonius etc.
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (defunct link??)
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): The Iliad
The Iliad by Homer
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): The Odyssey
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford) : Greek Epic Background
The Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes (complete text in E. with some notes)
The Argonautica: Introduction (some outdated: don't believe everything you read about the alleged "quarrel" between A.R. and Callimachus)
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): The Argonautica.
A Bibliography for Apollonius Rhodius

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): The hexameter (meter used in epic)

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford) : The Earliest Roman Epic
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Ennius' Annales

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Other Types of Hexameter Poetry (includ. Lucretius)

Carmina Catulli
Proper Names in Catullus 64 (nice guide to who's who in the poem)
Diotima's Catullus Bibliography
Perseus Project Text of _____ in English & Latin w/ Notes
Courses taught on him here at Wesleyan


Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets
Vergil's Home Page Links, info, etc., from Joe Farrell of Penn.

The Vergil Project  from Joe Farrell of Penn., including news on Summer 98 NEH institute
Syllabus for Latin 228 and 409, "Vergil's Aeneid"  partly-online course on V. taught by Penn.'s Joe Farrell in 1995
Vergilius Bibliography Index  "Vergilius" is a journal that includes a bibliography of new work on V. each year
Mantovano   An Online, Ongoing Discussion of Virgil and His Influence (you can subscribe)
Virgil in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Renaissance: An Online Bibliography  from the people who bring you "Mantovano" (also lists basic Vergil paperback books)
Mark Morford's Online Images of Fall or Troy, Dido, Underworld From a scholar at the University of Virginia
Perseus Project Text of Vergil in English & Latin w/ Notes  Great resource! Latin text of Vergil, translations by both Dryden and a modern scholar, line-by-line commentary of both Servius (Latin, late antiquity) and Conington (19th Cent.), and info. on each Latin form in Vergil
A Bibliographic Guide to Vergil's Aeneid Ongoing project of Prof. Shirley Werner of Rutgers U.
Vergil's Aeneid (Brooklyn College course notes)
Courses taught on him here at Wesleyan:

CCIV 274/ HIST 274/ COL 279 = CCIV 116/ HIST 126 History & Literature of the Roman Revolution
CCIV 203/ HUM 203: Latin Literature in English Translation
CCIV 325: Roman Epic
LAT 244/HUMS 645: Neoteric & Pastoral: Catullus 61-68 & Vergil’s Eclogues

Ovid (updated 3/22/98)

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Ovid's Metamorphoses
U of T Classics: Synopsis of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Ovid: Metamorphoses (great set of links on a page at Reed College)
Analytical Onomasticon Project (A clickable "who's who" of The Metamorphoses, produced by King's College London and Princeton University)
Ovid Project (at U. Vermont. Plates from two illustrated editions of The Metamorphoses, one dated 1640 and the other 1713)
Illustrations for Ovid at the Davison Art Center! (for Wesleyan access only, I think)
Sean Redmond -- Recent Ovidian Bibliography (easy-to-use and up-to-date bib. on recent work)
Ulrich Schmitzer’s (German) Ovid home page (lots of great stuff, even if you don't know German)
Perseus Project Text of Ovid in English & Latin w/ Notes
Professor Roberts' project on Apollo-Daphne (in progress--only partial url given here)
Courses taught (at least partly) on Ovid here at Wesleyan:
     LAT 202 Ovid; LAT 242 Roman Elegy; LCCIV 203 Latin Literature in English Translation, CCIV 217 Approaches to Antiquity; CCIV325 Roman Epic; CCIV118 SP ROME AND THE CAESARS
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets
Introduction to Latin Epic : Lucan's Bellum Civlile
Courses taught on him here at Wesleyan

Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Life Histories of Roman Epic Poets
Introduction to Latin Epic (Oxford): Silver Age Epic (incl. Statius)


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