History & Literature of the Roman Revolution

CCIV274 / HIST274/ COL279

Some coins or links on coins

The web is not yet the place to do any serious scholary study of Roman coins, but you can poke around a little for fun.

VROMA  images of Caesar on a coin,  McManus' images (see here for info) including Agrippa, Antony and Octavia on a coin, Octavian on a coin, Octavian and the deified Caesar on a coin, Antony and Cleopatra on a coin.

Doing a search for images at Perseus.tufts.edu with the keyword "Augustus" will get you links to photographs of a number of coins (34 of them) and sculptures and buildings related to Augustus.  Here is their policy for image use.

Here is Augustus on another coin.

Later in the reign of Augustus: a coin showing him and the grandson Gaius and Lucius he adopted as sons.

Some Augustan coins are in the The Ottilia Buerger Collection of Ancient and Byzantine Coins at the Wriston Art Center Galleries, Lawrence University

A collector's page on coins in antiquity: "FORVM ANCIENT COINS"
They have Augustus coins (for sale!) online here and Antony coins here

More Augustan coins for sale here, including one they say depicts his daughter Julia

Lotsa links on collecting Roman coins here ; scroll down for links to coins of Julius, Brutus, and Augustus.  Also a page of Augustan coins here.  See also his contents page here.